Su-Bali & KLM - Siamese Breed Group Searchable Pedigree Database

This website contains online databases of Siamese and related breeds hosted by Su-Bali & KLM Balinese & Oriental Longhairs.


An internet service provided by Su-Bali & KLM Balinese & Oriental Longhairs

Use of web harvester robots or any other means of copying data from this site,in whole or in part, for any commercial purpose is expressly prohibited.
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This Online SQL database format was developed by Ron de Jong,, ron

PedPoint Web scripts Copyright © 2005-2021 BreedMate
[CFA Color Codes (alpha sort)] [CFA Color Codes (numeric sort)] [CFA Breeding Rules as of 2013]
[Explanation of FIFe EMS Codes] [GCCF Codes]
[Genetic Coefficients: IC, AVK , RC, MK] [Breeding Schemes]
[Studbooks for Download] [PawPeds Database]

Windows          Kintracks has versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. Same data structure for all versions, databases can be exchanged!

We highly recommend these Windows based Pedigree Programs that create/support databases for online pedigree scripts.

Breeders Assistant
From Tenset Technologies in the United Kingdom.
Excellent support provided by programmer, Colin Manning,

From Wild Systems out of Australia.
Excellent support provided by programmer, Ron de Jong,
Also supports/developed Pedigree Point for MySQL web based pedigrees.